Lawan commends Govs Fintiri, Yahaya over moves to restore peace to warring communities


President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan, on Wednesday commended the Governors of Adamawa and Gombe States, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri and Muhammad Inuwa Yahaya, for embarking on moves to restore peace to Waja and Lunguda communities in their respective states.

Lawan gave the commendation against the backdrop of a point of order raised by Senator Binos Dauda Yaroe (PDP, Adamawa South), to draw the attention of the upper chamber to the development.

The lawmaker, while coming under Order 43 of the Senate Rules said, “It will be recalled that on Wednesday 21st April 2021, Distinguished Sen. Bulus K. Amos and myself cosponsored a motion on the ”Urgent call for a stop to the communal clashes between the Waja and Lunguda communities in Gombe South and Adamawa South Senatorial Districts and the need for NEMA to provide relief materials to the displaced persons.”

“This followed the crisis that erupted involving the Waja and Lunguda communities of Gombe and Adamawa States.

“The prayers which the Senate graciously approved included a call to: Urge the traditional rulers of Waja Chiefdom in Gombe State and Lunguda Chiefdom in Adamawa State to impress on their subjects the need to maintain the peace and avoid resort to self-help in settling disputes; and

“Urge the State Governments and political leaders of the communities in Adamawa and Gombe States to pay a visit to the affected communities to preach peace and the essence of peaceful co-existence.

“I am pleased to inform the Senate that the Governor of Adamawa State, H.E. Rt. Hon. Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri invited the Governor of Gombe State, H.E. Alh. Muhammadu lnuwa Yahaya, to commission a road project in Numan on 19 May 2021.”

The lawmaker continued: “After the commissioning, the two Governors and their Deputies, along with traditional, political and community leaders from both States and notably from the two crisis communities held a security/peace meeting. Dist. Sen. Bulus K. Amos and myself were in attendance.

“The meeting was addressed by the two Governors, the two Senators, the two First Class traditional rulers of Waja and Lunguda, the Hama Bachama and two other community leaders from each side.

“At the conclusion of the meeting, a communiqué christened “Numan Accord” signed by the two governors and the two traditional rulers was issued containing, among others: An affirmation that the two communities cannot be separated having lived and intermarried for centuries;

“A resolution that IDP camps be closed within two weeks and the people to return to their homes; and a directive that all militia and hunters groups in the two communities be disbanded and their activities proscribed.

“A high powered Standing Committee was set up under the joint chairmanship of the two Deputy Governors to see to the implementation of the resolutions. The two Governors announced a donation of N25 million naira each to enable the Committee carry out its assignment.”

In his remark, the Senate President commended the Gombe and Adamawa State Governors for making joint efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Waja and Lungudu communities.

He said: “I want to commend the Governors of Gombe and Adamawa States, our very eminent traditional rulers and leaders and, indeed, the entire people in those kingdoms for resolving these issues that caused serious problem.

“[And] this is the way to go. Managing people, ensuring peace, unity and working for integration of communities to make a United and strong country is first, of course, the business of leaders in position of authourity.

“But it is also the responsibility of other leaders at the lower tiers of government, and what has happened between Adamawa and Gombe States show how partnering and working for peace and stability can be achieved at that level of government.”

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