Aviation Lions Club On Sensitization On Childhood Cancer


The Ikeja aviation lions club has flagged off its health sensitization programme on childhood cancer.

The sensitization programme with the theme: ‘Pediatric Cancer’, took place at the Nigeria Air Force Primary Schools One and Two and aimed at publicizing the causes of cancer and possible ways of prevention among others.

The programme is part of the Ikeja Aviation Lions Club humanitarian service to its immediate environment outlined to be executed by its present President, Ms. Theresa Chukwuedo.

Dr. Ceejay Mbaebie with visual presentation on the theme, took the pupils through the causes of cancer, its prevalence, ways to minimize spread and preventions.

According to Dr Mbaebie, cancer can affect both man and animals and can occur in any part of the body and listed the different types of cancers including, leukaemia, brain and spinal cord, neuroblastoma, Wilma tumour, bone cancer among others.

On prevention of the disease which he said was not communicable was for both adults and children to avoid smoking and the drinking of alcohol, avoid air pollution.

“Avoid toxic chemicals, eat healthy foods, regular exercise and to visit the doctors for check”.

The pupils who were happy to be educated on the subject at intervals applauded, took notes and asked pertinent questions especially on prevention at the end of the lecture.

Speaking shortly after the programme, President of the Ikeja Aviation Lions Club, Ms. Theresa Chukwuedo said, the essence of the programme was to create awareness of paediatric cancer also known as childhood cancer ravaging the society.

According to her, the visit was to talk to the pupils on early detection, possible treatment and the way forward to reducing the rates of death associated with the disease. 

She listed other activities the club would embark on in the year to include, visits to old people’s home, schools to donate books, lectures on diabetes, effects and possible cure and a project.

“I can let out the project now, it is still worked on and when approval is given, we will let you know”.

Highlights of the sensitization programme were the presentation of gifts to the guest lecturer for the free lecture and also to the in-coming

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