2023: APC ‘ll Remain United After Presidential Primaries ― Tinubu


Asiwaju bola Ahmed Tinubu

—Says high number of aspirants good for democracy

The National leader of the All Progressives Congress, APC, and presidential aspirant of the party, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has assured that the party would remain united after its presidential primaries.

Asiwaju Tinubu, who was a former governor of Lagos state also said that the increasing number of people seeking the party’s presidential ticket is good for democracy.

The APC national leader stated this view late Tuesday after a meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

The APC leader, it was gathered, met with President Buhari at his official residence in the Villa, to pay him the traditional Salah homage.

Fielding questions from journalists on the fears being expressed about the unity of the ruling party, he said the party would remain intact and united after its presidential primary, pointing out that President Buhari had shown that he is in support of a transparent democratic process.

According to him, “We are sure that we will remain united. You know our symbol is the broom, you don’t break it as you go. Nigeria requires commitment, a uniform system, and a stable country and that is the only way we can be very proud of Nigeria.

“The President has shown a great example of leadership, gave us the freedom to say you want to run, you want to attempt, go ahead. He is a democrat and if we are running a constitutional democracy, you don’t hinder the desire, the wish of other people.”

Also asked to comment on the increasing number of aspirants on the platform of his party, the APC, Tinubu said it was in the best interest of the country, adding that it showed that leaders were not abandoning the country.

He said, “The more the merrier. The more they come, the more challenging it becomes for you to think deeply, focus on issues and be ready to serve and Nigeria. It’s all about service, it’s nothing else. Think wisely, get committed to your thinking to serve the nation and bring progress and prosperity to the lives of Nigerians.

“It’s good for the country for so many of us to aspire to want to lead, we’re not abandoning our nation. But there’s only one chair and one possibility. We will do that.”

The APC Stalwart, however, used the opportunity to congratulate the President for the successful Eid-el-Fitr celebrations across Nigeria, as well as his genuine efforts at confronting the challenges bedeviling the country for sustainable future.

He said, “President has shown a great example of leadership. He’s been very honest and forthright with Nigerians. Yes, we’ll continue to be challenged within this short period of time, but it’s left for us, the followers, to help, to be ready, to persevere and give hope to the populace and yes, we can do it. We will do it.”

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