Alleged Terrorism: Resign, Surrender Yourself For Probe, Youths, CSOs Tell Emefiele


The National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) and a coalition of Civil Society Organisations have reinforced the call for the resignation of Godwin Emefiele from his role as governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) over alleged terrorism financing.

Members of the coalition who staged a protest in Abuja, the nation’s capital, on Wednesday, asked the CBN governor to submit himself to relevant authorities for probe to clear his name, instead of running away from the law.

The coalition in a letter to Emefiele asked him to toe the path of honour and resign from his role within one week.

According to them, the request is a patriotic gesture in line with Section 11(3) of the CBN Act which provides that: “the Governor or any Deputy Governor may resign his office by giving at least three months’ notice in writing to the President of his intention to do so…”

Alleged Terrorism: Resign, surrender yourself for probe, youths, CSOs tell Emefiele
Protest for Emefiele’s resignation

The coalition’s letter is co-signed by Comrade Dr. Solomon Adodo, president of NYCN; Hon. Yusuf Ibn Tom, secretary-general of NYCN; Comrade Okpanachi Jacob, convener, Civil Society Advocacy Groups for Accountability and Probity and Comrade Balarabe Musa, national coordinator, Citizens Network Against Corruption and Terrorism Financing.

Others are: Mallam Suleiman Musa Executive Secretary, Empowerment for Unemployed Youths Initiative; Chief Igwe Ude-umanta, DG, Nigerian Youth Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development; Abdullahi Umar Khalid, Northern Youth Congress for Peace; Comr. Gbolahan Adeyemi, President, Association of Artisans and Informal Workers; Chukwudi Oluoha Esq. Executive Director, Coalition for Transparency and Accountability; Dr. Friday Onuh President, Independent Security Monitoring and Assessment Team, abs Abdulkadir Shuaibu, Executive Director, Independent Public Service Watch Pressing home its demands, the coalition noted it had previously led a protest on December 23, 2022, requesting Emefiele’s immediate resignation, and giving the reasons for the call.

Addressing the CBN governor, the coalition said, “We need not remind you that you are fully aware of the true reason the Department of State Services (DSS) seeks to question and to investigate you fully.

“The fact that you have introduced politics into your alleged crimes against the Nigerian state cannot change the fact. And after all the drama, you will still have to answer to the alleged crimes. It is on record that other deputy governors and directors of the CBN who were invited by the DSS were all allowed to go after clearing themselves. Your decision to resort to blackmail is therefore very strange and inexplicable.

“Just recently in far away London, the founder of Daar Communications Plc, Chief Raymond Dokpesi, underwent a routine security questioning, and thereafter was released. We wish to remind you that ordinarily you know that it is normal for security examination to be conducted of Very Important Persons and high public office holders.”

The group encouraged the CBN governor to stop running away from the law, noting that if he had no case to answer, there would be no need for him to leave the country.

“It appears that you are haunted by your own activities which are suspected to be treasonable.

” Let us at this juncture make it clear to you that the invitation by the DSS has absolutely nothing to do with any of the policies of the CBN. The claims of your hirelings are not only irresponsible, but an unfortunate mischief taken to a ridiculous level,” the letter continued.

“It is on record that in all your voodoo economic policies, destructive Forex regime and alleged corruption, the DSS has never for once interfered; the agency has never expressed any economic opinion directly or indirectly because it is outside its mandate, and it has conducted itself always very professionally.

“Therefore, your claims of persecution have no nexus, history, variables and certainly, no fact. The truth is that you are a fugitive from justice.

” It is our firm position that you have in recent times clearly abused Sections 9 and 11(2) (a & c) of the CBN Act and therefore have no more legal or moral currency to remain as the governor of CBN.

“For the records, Section 9 of the CBN Act forbids you from venturing into any activity that will distract you from your full-time duties.

“The NYCN maintains its stand that your not-too-covert aspiration for the presidency of the country while in office was a monumental distraction contrary to the above quoted section.

“Furthermore, we contend that you cannot continue to run an important institution like the CBN from overseas.

“And since you have not formally sought an asylum, which the NYCN will gladly support you if it has merits, the only other reason that must have kept you abroad or away from office for so long must be ill-health, except you wish to admit that you are running from justice.

“Consequently, you are in breach of Section 11 (2) (a & c) of the CBN Act, and should cease to be in office.

“The section states, ‘The Governor, Deputy Governor or Director shall cease to hold office in the bank if he: (a) becomes of unsound mind or owing to ill-health, is incapable of carrying out his duties; (c) is guilty of a serious misconduct in relation to his duties under this Act’.

“Either way, both conditions apply in your instant case and you should be honourable, even if it is for once.8. Consequently, we demand that you begin the process of your resignation as stated under the CBN Act 2007, or face a Nationwide Youth Mass Action. For someone who has aspired for the office of the President of Nigeria, you should cease to continue to bring shame to yourself and the exalted office of CBN governor.”

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