Labour Rejects FG’s Proposed N54,000 Minimum Wage 


Organised Labour has firmly rejected the Federal Government’s proposal of a new minimum wage set at N54,000. This comes after an earlier offer of N48,000, which was also deemed unacceptable by labour unions.

In a meeting with Labour representatives, the government proposed the new figure of N54,000. However, one of the leaders from Organised Labour disclosed to Vanguard via a telephone conversation that this offer was not acceptable.

Organised Labour, which includes the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), had previously walked out on the Tripartite Committee on Minimum Wage in response to the government’s initial N48,000 proposal. The unions have been vocal about their dissatisfaction with the government’s approach to the wage negotiations.

Last week, Organised Labour warned the Federal Government to abandon any plans to propose a new minimum wage of N100,000, urging the government to take the negotiations seriously. The unions have insisted on a minimum wage of N615,000, which they calculated using the lowest minimum wage standards.

The ongoing dispute highlights the significant gap between the government’s offers and the demands of Organised Labour, underscoring the pressing need for a resolution that addresses the concerns of Nigerian workers adequately.


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