Minimum Wage: Return To Work, Union Directs Maritime Workers


The Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) has directed all members of its affiliate unions to return to work following directive by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) to suspend the indefinite strike over new minimum wage for a week.

The development followed a tentative agreement reached between the Federal Government and the Organised Labour on the new national minimum wage on Monday night with a resolution to further engage daily for the next one week at the level of the Tripartite Committee on National Minimum Wage until a final agreement is reached.

LEADERSHIP reports that the NLC and TUC had suspended the strike after the federal government had shown commitment to pay over N60,000 as the new monthly minimum wage.

Consequently, according to a statement by the head of Media, MWUN, Kennedy Ikemefuna, the president-general, MWUN, directed immediate resumption of workers to their duty posts.

“The NLC and the TUC have suspended the nationwide indefinite strike called for by both Unions for one week on the premise of Federal Government asking both unions to sheath their sword inorder to discuss the national minimum wage with the tripartite committee on moving from the previously proposed N60,000 Naira minimum wage, which the Unions outrightly rejected.

“Based on the foregoing, the leadership of the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN), under the aegis of Comrade (Prince) Dr Adewale Adeyanju, fnli, HFCPSP, has directed all its members in MWUN to immediately return to work with immediate effect,” the terse statement said.

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