Tinubu Okays Upgrading of Ibadan Airport


The governor made this significant disclosure during a courtesy visit by the Chief of Air Staff of the Nigeria Air Force (NAF), Air Marshal Hassan Baba Abubakar.

Governor Makinde expressed his intention to finalize necessary documentation in Abuja soon, paving the way for the project’s commencement. He outlined plans for expanding the runway and constructing a new terminal as part of the airport’s enhancement. A dedicated team has been tasked to oversee the project, expected to catalyze economic growth in the state.

Acknowledging the importance of adhering to operational standards, Governor Makinde sought the collaboration of Air Force personnel in the state to ensure the project’s success.

Air Marshal Hassan Baba Abubakar, during his visit to Ibadan, commended Governor Makinde for his administration’s steadfast support to the armed forces, particularly the Air Force Base located in Oyo State.

The initiative to upgrade the Ibadan Airport underscores a significant step towards enhancing regional connectivity and fostering economic development in Oyo State.

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