Miners Nationwide Owe FG ₦2trn, In Kaduna Alone ₦300bn — Alake


The Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Dele Alake, on Thursday revealed that miners and operators owe the Federal Government over N2 trillion.

Alake revealed this during a meeting with Licensed Minerals Holders and Laterite/Sand Operators Dealers in Kaduna State.

Alake, represented by Acting Zonal Mines Officer, North-West Zonal Office, Kutman Hosea Ali, noted that in Kaduna State alone, the debt exceeds N300 billion.

He urged operators to take immediate steps to settle their outstanding dues.

He said, “Miners and Operators owed the federal government more than ₦2 trillion” while “in Kaduna State, it’s over ₦300bn.”

“We have made it very clear that in Kaduna State, every operator should make bold steps and clear their debt.”

The minister also stressed that the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration is determined to halt the activities of illegal miners across the country.

Alake said the activities of illegal miners is a huge crime against Nigeria and Nigerians. Describing the situation as unacceptable, the minister directed that a Special Mines Taskforce, comprising members from the Nigerian Army, Police, Civil Defence Corps, Department of State Security Services, operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, and Nigeria Immigration Service, be activated in Kaduna State to clamp down on illegal miners and nonpayment of royalties as well as other taxes to the federal government.

Alake also addressed the issue of non-remittance of royalties and taxes on mineral resources, warning that states failing to comply would face penalties.

He clarified that while state and local governments could collect other taxes such as ground rent, they are not authorised to collect royalties or mining taxes, which are exclusively under federal control.

“Let me clarify it, state government and local government are entitled to collect other taxes such as ground rent and other taxes but they are not to collect royalty and tax on mining

“Any state government or any local government that collects money in the name of Royalty or Mineral Tax will be deducted from the source allocated to the state.

“The Special Mines Taskforce has been activated in Kaduna State and they have commenced operations on the war against illegal mining and nonpayment of royalties which must be paid monthly as well as other taxes to the Government of Nigeria.”

The Chairman of the Miners Association of Nigeria, Kaduna branch, Ado Dogo, represented by Secretary Kashim Hussaini, welcomed the dialogue between miners and regulators.

He called for respect for the laws guiding mining activities and highlighted the challenges posed by the interference of state governors in mining operations.

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