NCC Restates its Commitment to Shaping Future of Nigeria’s Communications Sector



The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) hosted a pivotal public inquiry focusing on three critical regulatory instruments that will steer the future of Nigeria’s communications industry.



The event brought together a diverse group of industry experts, stakeholders, and engaged citizens, all eager to contribute to the regulatory process.



The Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of the NCC, Dr Aminu Maida, in his opening remarks at the public inquiry on three (3) regulatory instruments, held yesterday at the NCC headquarters, Abuja, highlighted the importance of the inquiry and the commitment of the Commission to transparency and inclusivity.



According to him. your contributions and feedback are vital in shaping a path forward that benefits all of us. The public inquiry is a testament to the Commission’s dedication to ensuring that every stakeholder’s voice is heard and considered.



Dr Maida, who outlined the significance of the three regulatory instruments under review, stated, “These regulations are essential for enabling seamless communication between different networks, fostering competition, protecting consumer interests, and aligning with international standards. The proposed amendments aim to keep pace with technological advancements and improve regulatory efficiency.”



On guidelines on procedure for granting approval to disconnect telecommunications operators, he said: “This framework ensures a clear, transparent procedure for disconnections, protecting operators from unjustified actions and maintaining fair and accountable practices within the industry.”



Speaking on guidelines for dispute resolution, Maida, explained that “recognizing that disputes are inevitable, these guidelines aim to provide a clear and transparent mechanism for resolving conflicts within the communications sector, promoting timely resolutions, and ensuring fair treatment for all stakeholders.”



Following Dr Maida’s address, Mrs Chizua Whyte, the Acting Head of Legal and Regulatory Services, provided further details on each regulatory instrument.



She emphasized the need for a dynamic regulatory framework that adapts to the sector’s evolving challenges.



Mrs Whyte highlighted the enhancements to the Telecommunications Networks Interconnect Regulations, which will provide a comprehensive interconnection framework and improve monitoring systems.



She stressed the importance of fair and non-discriminatory access for operators to foster service delivery and market cohesion.



Regarding the Guidelines on Procedure for Granting Approval to Disconnect Telecommunications Operators, Mrs Whyte underscored the necessity of a transparent and fair disconnection procedure to protect operators and ensure contractual obligations are honoured. This framework is crucial for bolstering investor confidence and promoting healthy competition.



On the topic of dispute resolution, Mrs Whyte pointed out the efficiency and fairness the updated guidelines aim to bring. She emphasized that effective dispute resolution is essential for resolving issues promptly and fairly, minimizing service disruptions, and reducing costs.



Throughout the day, participants engaged in robust discussions, offering insights and voicing concerns. The collaborative atmosphere reflected a shared goal of enhancing Nigeria’s communications sector.



The public inquiry underscored the NCC’s commitment to regulatory excellence and a robust communications sector that supports the Nigerian economy. As the day concluded, there was a sense of accomplishment and optimism. The diverse contributions from participants promised to shape a strong, dynamic industry capable of meeting the demands of the ever-evolving digital age.

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