President Tinubu Depart For Chad Today


President Bola Ahmed Tinubu will depart Abuja on Thursday for N’Djamena, the capital of Chad, to attend the inauguration of President Mahamat Déby.

This announcement was made by Ajuri Ngelale, Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, in a statement released on Wednesday.

The inauguration follows Mahamat Déby’s declaration as the winner of Chad’s presidential election earlier this month, with subsequent affirmation by the Constitutional Court of Chad. On May 16, the Constitutional Council confirmed Déby as president with 61% of the vote, significantly outpacing his rivals Succès Masra and Albert Pahimi Padacké. The Council reviewed and reaffirmed the vote counts, solidifying Déby’s victory.

Ngelale’s statement noted, “President Tinubu will be accompanied on the trip by senior government officials and will return after the ceremony.”

This visit marks an important diplomatic engagement for President Tinubu, underscoring Nigeria’s commitment to fostering strong relations with its neighbors and supporting democratic processes in the region.

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