Home Delivery of Passports to Commence in June– Minister


Tunji-Ojo emphasized the importance of this initiative during a recent inspection of electronic gates at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport’s new terminal in Abuja.

Explaining the delay in implementing this service, the minister cited the absence of data centers as a significant factor.

He assured that efforts were underway to address this issue, highlighting the need for a permanent solution rather than temporary fixes.

Tunji-Ojo also revealed plans to launch the home delivery service for Nigerians residing abroad, with initial testing set to take place in the United States and the United Kingdom.

He stressed the importance of safeguarding Nigeria’s biometric data and national security, expressing concern over the fact that such data was previously managed by third-party entities

Tunji-Ojo reiterated the government’s commitment to ensuring that the Nigerian Immigration Service assumes full control over the country’s data, emphasizing the agency’s responsibility as custodians of this vital information.

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